Il s'est néanmoins passé plein de choses que ce soit sur la planète terre ou dans ma vie, je sais bien que le 2eme, tout le monde s'en tape. Brayph:
Google sort un navigateur, et ca commence pas mal:
Author: nerex
E-mail: nerex[at]live[dot]com
Google's new Web browser (Chrome) allows files (e.g., executables) to be automatically
downloaded to the user's computer without any user prompt.
This proof-of-concept was created for educational purposes only.
Use the code it at your own risk.
The author will not be responsible for any damages.
Tested on Windows Vista SP1 and Windows XP SP3 with Google Chrome (BETA)
document.write('<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="0" height="0">');
# [2008-09-03]
PoC Code is in Attach file because this file is saved in 'Unicode' type for exploit.
Here is Description for this Vuln :
· Type of Issue : Buffer Overflow.
· Affected Software : Google Chrome
· Exploitation Environment : Google Chrome (Language: Vietnamese) on Windows XP SP2.
· Impact: Remote code execution.
· Rating : Critical .
· Description :
The vulnerability is caused due to a boundary error when handling the “SaveAs” function. On saving
a malicious page with an overly long title (
it possible for attackers to execute arbitrary code on users’ systems.
· How an attacker could exploit the issue :
To exploit the Vulnerability, a hacker might construct a specially crafted Web page, which contains malicious code.
He then tricks users into visiting his Website and convinces them to save this Page. Right after that, the code would
be executed, giving him the privilege to make use of the affected system.
· Discoverer : Le Duc Anh - SVRT - Bkis
· About SVRT :
SVRT, which is short for Security Vulnerability Research Team, is one of Bkis researching groups. SVRT specializes
in the detection, alert and announcement of security vulnerabilities in software, operating systems, network protocols
and embedded systems…
· Website :
· Mail : svrt[at]
# [2008-09-05]
Un paper plutôt intéressant, sur le bypassing de l'ASLR sous kernel 2.6.17-20 : Ici
Un autre qui démontre une injection SQL sous SyBase mais surtout le bypass de mod_security : Ici en allemand ; Mais vu que ma copine gère vraiment, telle une déesse, je vous balance une trad d'ici un moment.
Sinon je referais sûrement bientôt un truc sur Nasm (ou pitete Masm why not?), dès que j'en aurais le temps / l'envie.
1 commentaire:
Yo mec, juste pour te dire
Mate ca tu vas grave délirer... bon, c'est un com qui sert a rien, mais voila... ++
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